Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Detox Day 3 and 4!

I told  my daughter's teacher to take any left over cupcakes and out them in the teacher's lounge. Please don't send them home. I came to pick up my daughter and found two big cupcakes sitting in her bag. Ugh! She brought them home because she wanted me to celebrate her birthday with her with a cupcake. 

Well she got in trouble tonight so that won't be happening. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Raw Fruit and Veggie Detox Vlog Day 1 and 2...Lord Help Me!

As promised, I vloged my progress on this detox. Imagine opening up the refrigerator door to see a big old slice of cheese cake sitting there calling your name... *sigh* I may be detoxing but my kids aren't and it is evident they don't care. LOL! They could have at least put the cheesecake in the back of the refridgerator! Enjoy the vlog. I will follow up Day 3 and 4 on Wednesday.

Be blessed!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Detox...Long Over Due.

I am not even going to front like I have been good about my eating habits the last few months, hell the last few weeks. If you all could witness what I have been eating for the last few weeks you would say, 'oh now  that, that's just nasty!'. I know the first step to nipping a problem in the bud is to admit that you have a problem well... I have a problem! *tears* Sugar is my problem, juice is my problem, fast food is my problem, junk food is my problem lack of planning is my problem and lack of will power is my problem.

Yeah, I know this blog is supposed to be about my weight loss journey and more so a source of inspiration to others who are on the same path...but reality is there will be set backs, you will plateau, you will get bored and no it does not equate to failure. It will only equates to failure if you decide not to get back in the sattle and restart a minute, hourly, daily rededication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Mind you I did not say maintain weight I said lifestyle as this is a life style.

Ok, the detox is going to be a raw fruits and vegetable detox and it will last for a week. No sugar (I can use honey though), no meat, no dairy, no oil just fruits, veggies and nuts. Doesn't that sound wonderful?! Just nod your yes head and keep reading.

I went to the store to arm myself with everything I need to stay successful during the week of detox. I am pumped I'm ready...I can do this...I know I can do this. <~~~ rededication via affirmation.

I will vlog about my experience through out the week; what I am eating and how I am feeling. My loved ones seemed to be concerned about how my mood will be through out the week, some have even informed me that they will talk to me after this detox week is over.

I think I will be all will see how fine I am in the vlog...just watch...people will survive and feelings won't get hurt. I will be successful in this. I believe it. *bites lip*

Thanks for reading. Be blessed everyone!