Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kitchen Experiments: The Challenge

I was cooking the other day, making my daughter boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner. You know? The one with the powdered cheese. Yeah I know how healthy is that? Well I have to work on plumping her up a bit and as a kid she likes it so I went with it.

I was cooking and reminiscing about how I used to eat savory feel good meals, especially during the winter months. I'm kind of getting tired of eating the same old things and wanted to create and most importantly eat some thing reeeeallly good with out all the fat and calories.

I figured I would challenge myself. Through out the month of October I will choose different recipes of the foods that I love and make them lower in fat and calories.

If there is a none beef (we don't do beef in this here house) recipe you want me to remix then please by all means contact me.

Can I do it?! Yes I can!!!!

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