I have often been told when you set an intention/desire don't worry about how it is going to happen, just know it is going to happen. I can honestly say running "fell" into my lap or so I thought. As I was in the midst of my weekly work out routine I knew that as I began to lose the weight I would need to switch it up, I would need something more challenging. Bottom line I wanted to run.
As a teenager we were required to perform fitness tests at the beginning and end of each school year for PE class which required for us to do a 20 minute mile (four times around the track). I had issues big time; my legs were itching, my nose was running (it was brisk out) and I couldn't really breathe. After many attempts to run ending up with the same results I just gave up until some years later when I was trying to lose 15lbs so I could enlist in the Army. My recruiter had me out running, though I was lighter (I had lost 80lbs) and had more energy I was still encountering those issues. Again, I gave up on the running thing. No I never fully enlisted.
So a few months ago I sat in my living room after my Body Pump class and I said, "I want to run". As always when an intention is set or a desire is expressed the negative thoughts are not far behind; how was I going to do that? where do I start? what if I can't? Though I've lost 20lbs I'm still too FAT to run. At some point I had to tell my brain to shut the hell up and move on with life.
I saw my sorority sisters talking online about a running group they were members of (that is for another blog) and I just went to one of them and asked about it, after all I wanted to run. Right?
I figured I could just get out there with some random shoes and run, not. I had to get properly fitted for a running shoe and have some other issues addressed as well (that will be the subject of a future blog). I ended up ordering my shoes online after finding out what kind of shoe I needed.
Once my shoes arrived I was so excited and ready to as I say now "hit pavement". I went to my first neighborhood run and GOT LEFT! LOL! I even got left by the walkers and I was doing a jog/walk combination. Yeah I heard of Couch to 5 K but I wanted to do things my way. After that run the negative thoughts began to creep back and again I had to tell my brain to shut up already. I asked for this. I wanted this. It has come my way therefore I had to press through it and see it through. I had to give it a chance to become something more than what it was at the moment so I pushed through and went to more group runs. I started taking my daughter with me so I wouldn't be alone on the run route...I also figured it would encourage more women to bring their kids after all we talk about the lack of recess and PE in schools, how childhood obesity is a growing problem, yet we leave our kids at home so we can go work out??? Mhm, doesn't sound right to me. What benefits me will benefit my children.
Any way there will be many, many more entries to come. As I push myself and learn more I will be sharing it with every one.
Have a blessed day, evening, week...
Running kind of fell into my lap as well after I joined Weight Watchers 5 years a go on a mission to lose weight! I was actually doing well with walking then a friend told me about the Couch to 5K. I tried it and before I knew it, I was running! That was huge for me because as a kid, I was never a huge runner. I hated running the mile in school (which was why I walked after the first 30 seconds) and the only time I ran quickly was when I was about to miss the school bus. About a year later, I ran my first 10K! It has been a great feeling...I want to continue working and eventually work my way up to a marathon.
OMG! I never knew you ran a 10K. Congrats! That is a big accomplishment. Right now I'm focusing on getting my speed up with the 5K before I start increasing my distance. I'm not sure if I want to do a marathon but I'm going to slowly push myself to work my way up to it.
Thanks! I have run two 10Ks but I've kinda fallen off. Thinking about signing up for an 8K coming up in the fall.
Thanks! I have run two 10Ks but I've kinda fallen off. Thinking about signing up for an 8K coming up in the fall.
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